Ohio Wing Headquarters
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Columbus (OH-085)

Columbus Senior Squadron (OH-085)

Meeting Location:  The Ohio State University Airport, Hangar 4

                                         2160 W Case Rd, Columbus, OH 43235

Meeting Day/Time: 1st & 3rd Monday, 7:00 P.M. - 8:30 P.M.

Squadron Commander: Capt. James McKenna

For more information or to schedule a visit, contact us.

Facebook: OH-085 Facebook

OH-085 Virtual Tour

The Columbus Senior Squadron is composed exclusively of senior members, and have staff requirements for aerospace education, emergency services, and education and training.

The standard weekly meeting schedule is as follows.





Emergency Services, Aerospace Education, and Communications  

Corporate Working Uniform 


No Meeting 



Emergency Services, Aerospace Education, and Communications

Corporate Working Uniform


No Meeting



No Meeting    









While we do have supporting programs that assist the two other types of squadrons, our mission is more tightly focused on emergency services and other flight related missions. Depending on the nature of the mission, a flight-related mission can be supported with an airplane or a sUAS, more commonly known as a "drone."

It is important to note that there are also ground-based functions that are every bit as critical as the aerial services. Air-to-ground and ground-to-air communications are absolutely essential to the success of a mission. Command and control is yet another critical function that members may choose to perform.

Squadron Calendar

Squadron Awards

  • Unit Citation Award

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